Queen's Blade 2 The Evil Eye is an anime television series that serves as the sequel to Queen's Blade: The Exiled Virgin. It aired in Japan between September 24, 2009 and December 10, 2009, consisting of 12 episodes.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Angora Deb - Leina
- Gladys Weiner - Claudette
- Jessica Calvello - Nanael
- Michele Knotz - Tomoe
Secondary Cast[]
- Darla Chaney - Melona
- Emlyn Morinelli - Irma
- Eva Christensen - Cattleya, Lana
- Georgette Reilly - Shizuka
- Jessica Paquet - Menace, Risty
- Kate Vincent - Ymir
- Kenzie Brooke - Aldra, Alleyne
- Melissa Hope - Elina, Melpha
- Michele Knotz - Airi
- Mitzi Shanks - Nyx
- Reba Salasa - Nowa
- Trina Hilbe - Echidna
Minor Cast[]
- Allison Cohen - Head Angel
- Billy Regan - Setora
- Dan Green - Vance
- Emlyn Morinelli - Hachiel
- Mitzi Shanks - Narration
- Wayne Grayson - Owen
Additional Voices[]
- Dan Green
- Joe D
- Ken Tobin
- Melissa Hope
- Michele Knotz
- Wayne Grayson