Quality Assurance in Another World is a 2024 anime based on the manga series written and illustrated by Masamichi Sato. It is produced by 100Studio and Studio Palette, and will premiere in Japan on July 6, 2024, with an English dub premiering on Crunchyroll on the same day.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Blake McNamara - Haga
- Monica Flatley - Nikola
Secondary Cast[]
- Macy Anne Johnson - Namiko
- Robert McCollum - President
- Ryan Negrón - Suzuki
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Kurosaki
- Alex Hom - Kanbayashi
- Anthony Bowling - Amano
- Bryan Massey - Sumida
- Dallas Reid - Yamanaka
- Dani Chambers - Ruu
- Kyle Igneczi - Sakai
- Sarah Roach - Akira