Pompo: The Cinéphile is a 2021 anime film based on the manga series by Shogo Sugitani. It premiered in Japanese theaters on June 4, 2021. GKIDS and NYAV Post have produced an English dub of the film, which will premiere on at New York International Children's Film Festival on March 12, 2022 before coming to American theaters on April 29.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Brianna Gentilella - Joelle Davidovich "Pompo" Pomponett
- Christopher Trindade - Gene Fini
Secondary Cast[]
- Anne Yatco - Mystia
- Jackie Lastra - Nathalie Woodward
- Jonah Platt - Alan Gardner
- Kenneth Cavett - Martin Braddock
Minor Cast[]
- Brock Powell - Corbett
- Gavin Hammon - Alan's Boss
- John H. Mayer - J.D. Peterzen
- Michael Sorich - Coltman
- Tom Bromhead - President