Pokemon Mewtwo - Prologue to Awakening is a 2013 anime special that serves as a prequel to Pokémon The Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened. It was released in Japan on July 11, 2013 and an English Dub produced by DuArt Film and Video was released on January 11, 2014.
Main Cast[]
- Cristina Valenzuela - Anna
- Miriam Pultro - Mewtwo
- Spike Spencer - Dirk
- Tom Wayland - Virgil
Secondary Cast[]
- Eileen Stevens - Iris
- Jason Griffith - Cilan
- Kayzie Rogers - Axew
- Sarah Natochenny - Ash Ketchum
- Tyler Bunch - Oscar
Minor Cast[]
- Eileen Stevens - Reporter
- James Carter Cathcart - Professor Oak