Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl is an anime television series. It originally aired in Japan between September 28, 2006 and October 25, 2007, consisting of 52 episodes. The series aired in North America between April 20, 2007 and February 1, 2008, consisting of 51 episodes.
Voice Characterization[]
- Sarah Natochenny - Ash Ketchum, Johanna, Ryan (ep29), Cheryl (eps30-32), Holly (eps49-51)
- Michele Knotz - Jessie, Landis (ep10), Abigail (ep24)
- Jamie Peacock - Wobbuffet
- Billy Beach - James, Meowth, Cal (ep42), Gary Oak (ep45)
- Bill Rogers - Brock, Jeffrey (ep8)
- Rodger Parsons - Narration, Hunter J's Client (ep45), Enta (eps49-51)
Additional Voices[]
- Annie Silver - Clara (ep5), Oralie (ep21)
- Armen Mazlumian - Jack (eps29, 33, 44)
- Billy Regan - Nando, Dr. Kenzo (eps16-17), Conway (eps49-51)
- Carolyn Says - Theresa (ep24)
- Clyde Hunter - Professor Rowan's Assistant #A (ep1), Mr. Cheeves (ep2), Poketch President (ep10), Magikarp Salesman (ep21)
- Craig Blair - Mr. Contesta, Sukizo, Giovanni (eps2, 43), Roark (eps15-18), Giant (ep50)
- David Lapkin - Lucian (ep35)
- Emily Williams - Zoey, Officer Jenny, Bryan (ep29)
- Eric Schussler - The Underground Man (ep37)
- Hilary Thomas - Marian
- Janice Cost - Yoko (ep37)
- Jennifer Visali - Paige (ep28)
- Jessica Wachsman
- John Anello
- Julian Rebolledo - Paul, Professor Rowan's Assistant #B (ep1), Researcher (ep17)
- Lara Starr Rigores - Gardenia (ep31)
- Lara Sutton
- Marie Anello
- Mary Murphy - Minnie (ep8)
- Natasha Malisnky
- Rena Mandel - Mira (ep47)
- Rhonda Krempa - Rhonda, Kenny, Rosebay (ep13), Melodi (ep20)
- Rich McNanna - Yuzo (ep1), Jaco (ep42)
- Sean Reyes - Professor Rowan, Ian (eps15, 18), Village Mayor (ep22), Karsten (ep28)
- Sonny Dey - Hunter J, Marnie (ep28)
- Stacia Newcomb - Haley (ep21), Forsythia (ep25)
Additional Voices (Uncredited)[]
- Emily Bauer - Dawn