Petite Princess Yucie (ぷちぷり*ユーシィ Puchi Puri Yūshī) is an anime series, which was produced by Gainax, aired from 2002 to 2003, and ran for 26 episodes. ADV Films released an English dub produced by Monster Island between November 23, 2004 to July 19, 2005.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Rachel Rivera - Yucie
Secondary Cast[]
- Cyndi Williams - Ercell
- David Jones - Demon King
- Ellie McBride - Maga Selent
- Guy Harvey - Drago
- Jason Liebrecht - Gaga
- Joey Hood - Arc
- Josh Meyer - Cube
- Kelley Huston - Glenda
- Lee Eddy - Beth
- Leigh Anderson Fisher - Elmina
- Monika Bustamante - Cocoloo
- Robert Matney - Gunbard
- Shawn Sides - Chawoo
Minor Cast[]
- Bradley Carlin - Nicolay
- Christa Kimlicko Jones - Mimy
- Christopher Loveless - Fairy King
- Ev Lunning, Jr. - King of Heaven
- Jenny Larson - Frere
- Jessica Hedrick - Milka
- John Minnich - Amphi
- Jose Hernandez - Frederick
- Ken Webster - Douglas
- Kimberly Burke - Queen
- Lana Lesley - Kate (ep4), Pac
- Larissa Wolcott - Belle Belle
- Leigh Anderson Fisher - Blue Dressed Princess
- Melanie Dean - Helen
- Michael Dalmon - Meow the First
- Michael Hoffer - Kobold
- Michael Morgen - Zeal
- Peyton Hayslip - Lena
- Robert Newell - Dan
- Robert Person - King
- Samantha Inoue Harte - Music Instructor, Yellow Dressed Princess
- Sarah Richardson - Amphelina, Aries
- Shawn Sides - Nun (ep6)
- Travis Dean - Rockwell
Additional Voices[]
- Cindy Crowell
- Erica M. Shamaly
- Katie Ramirez
- Leigh Anderson Fisher
- Lowell Bartholomee
- Samantha Inoue Harte