Overman King Gainer (OVERMANキングゲイナー) is an anime TV series, created by Sunrise. Directed by longtime animator Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of the Gundam series, written by Ichirō Ōkouchi, and featuring character designs by Yoshihiro Nakamura, Kinu Nishimura and Ken'ichi Yoshida, the series ran from September 7, 2002 to March 22, 2003 on Japan's WOWOW network, spanning a total of 26 episodes.
English Voice Cast
Main Cast
- Gain Bijou - Ron Allen
- Gainer Sanga - Darrel Guilbeau
- Sara Kodama - Olivia O'Connor
Secondary Cast
- Adette Kistler - Wendee Lee
- Ana Medaiyu - Michelle Ruff
- Asuham Boone - Doug Erholtz
- Bello (eps6-26) - Dave Mallow
- Cona Madaya - Julie Maddalena
- Cynthia Lane - Tara Malone
- Enge - Richard George
- Hughes Gauli - Tony Oliver
- Jaboli - Mia Bradly
- Kejinan - David Lelyveld
- Lioubov Smettana - Julie Ann Taylor
- Mamado Azaf - David Orozco
Minor Cast
- Afar - Jessica Stenius
- Ariel (ep19) - Kim Strauss
- Bello (eps1-5) - David Umansky
- Cheer Girl A (ep8) - Midge Mayes
- Cheer Girl B (ep8) - Lynn Fischer
- Citran - Jane Alan
- Driver (ep9) - Steve Kramer
- Duke Medaiyu - Russel Thor
- Duke Pilwiz (ep11) - Scott Page-Pagter
- Elizabeth - Alex Greene
- Female Student A (ep9) - Midge Mayes
- Female Student B (ep9) - Alex Greene
- Gach - William Frederick
- Girl (ep9) - Lynn Fischer
- Guard - Scott Page-Pagter
- Karin - Lynn Fischer
- Kashmir Valle - Chris Kent
- Kids Munt - James Lyon
- Louvre - Jull Grossman
- Male Student A (ep9) - Tony Oliver
- Male Student B (ep9) - Richard Hayworth
- Male Student C (ep9) - Jim Taggert
- Male Student D (ep9) - Scott Page-Pagter
- Man (ep6) - Joey Lotsko
- Man (ep10) - Joey Lotsko
- Manman (eps2-5) - Anthony Mozdy
- Manman (eps8-26) - Joey Lotsko
- Martina Lane - Barbara Goodson
- Mayor - Steve Kramer
- Meeya Laujin - Kate Davis
- Nann - Midge Mayes
- Navigator (ep20) - Joey Lotsko
- Old Woman (ep15) - Alex Greene
- Pelhar - Steve Kramer
- Railway Troop A (ep20) - Jim Taggert
- Railway Troop B (ep20) - William Frederick
- Railway Troop C (ep20) - Tony Oliver
- Referee (ep10) - Scott Page-Pagter
- Runner (ep8) - Scott Page-Pagter
- Shinjin - George C. Cole
- Soldier (ep6) - Jim Taggert
- Soldier (ep6) - Steve Kramer
- Student (ep12) - Jim Taggert
- Tan - Scott Page-Pagter
- Toun (eps2-5) - Dave Mallow
- Toun (eps7-26) - Jim Taggert
- Troopers (ep7) - Joey Lotsko
- Troopers (ep7) - Steve Kramer
- Trooper (ep10) - Steve Kramer
- Woman (ep7) - Alex Greene
- Worker A (ep20) - David Orozco
- Yassaba Jin - Michael McConnohie
- Zakki Bronco - Richard Hayworth