Otherside Picnic is a 2021 anime based on the yuri science fiction novel series by Iori Miyazawa. It ran in Japan from January 4 to March 22, 2021. Studio Nano has produced an English dub of the series, which will premiere in its entirety on the FunimationNow streaming service on November 15, 2021.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Emily Neves - Toriko Nishina
- Madeleine Morris - Sorawo Kamikoshi
Secondary Cast[]
- AmaLee - Akari Seto
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Kozakura
Minor Cast[]
- Apphia Yu - Children (ep3)
- Billy Kametz - Greg (eps5-6)
- Casey Casper - Kano Sannuki (ep9)
- Chris Wehkamp - Abarato (ep2)
- Christopher Guerrero - Ray Barker (ep6, 11-12)
- Emily Fajardo - Children (ep3), Waitress (ep4)
- John Gremillion - Space-Time Man (ep4)
- Jonathan Castleman - Deliveryman (ep8)
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Waiter (ep5)
- Katelyn Barr - Kankandara (eps11-12)
- Michelle Lee - Lady Hasshaku
- Michelle Rojas - Natsumi Ichikawa (ep9)
- Rachel Thompson - Children (ep3)
- Z. Charles Bolton - Will Drake (eps5-6, 11-12)