One Piece Film: Red is a 2022 movie based on the long-running One Piece franchise. It premiered in Japan on July 22, 2022. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the movie, which will premiere in American theaters on November 4, 2022 after an October 6, 2022 sneak peek at New York Comic-Con.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- AmaLee - Uta
- Colleen Clinkenbeard - Monkey D. Luffy
Secondary Cast[]
- Brandon Potter - Shanks
- Brina Palencia - Tony Tony Chopper
- Christopher R. Sabat - Roronoa Zoro
- Daniel Baugh - Jimbei
- Eric Vale - Sanji
- Ian Sinclair - Brook
- Jim Foronda - Gordon
- Luci Christian - Nami
- Matt Mercer - Trafalgar Law
- Micah Solusod - Koby
- Patrick Seitz - Franky
- Sonny Strait - Usopp
- Stephanie Young - Nico Robin
- Tyson Rinehart - Bartolomeo
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Charlotte Perospero
- Aaron Roberts - Building Snake
- Andrew Love - Akainu
- Bill Jenkins - Narration
- Charlie Campbell - Fujitora
- Cris George - Bepo
- Dallas Reid - Hanagasa
- Ernesto Jason Liebrecht - Rob Lucci
- Gwendolyn Lau - Makino
- Jason Kane - Saint Charloss
- Jason Marnocha - Charlotte Oven
- Jeff Johnson - Yasopp
- John Burgmeier - Lucky Roux
- Jonah Scott - Charlotte Katakuri
- Josh Grelle - Limejuice
- Josh Martin - Bock Punch, Kaginote
- Justin Briner - Youreka
- Kent Williams - Momonga
- Kevin D. Thelwell - Zeus
- Lisa Ortiz - Sunny
- Mark Fickert - Blueno
- Megan Shipman - Romy
- Mike McFarland - Helmeppo
- Orion Pitts - Eboshi
- Pam Dougherty - Big Mom
- Paul Slavens - Howling Gab, Monster
- Rachel Robinson - Charlotte Brûlée
- Ray Hurd - Kizaru
- Ricco Fajardo - Hongo
- Sean Hennigan - Benn Beckman
- Shelley Calene-Black - Kalifa
Additional Voices[]
- Alex Mai
- Anthony DiMascio
- Ben Balmaceda
- Brandon Solis
- Carl G. Brooks
- Comona Lewin
- Corinne Sudberg
- Doug Jackson
- Ethan Gallardo
- Grant Paulsen
- Hollis Beck
- J.B. Edwards
- Jacob Eiseman
- Jalitza Delgado
- Jennifer Alyx
- Kelly Greenshield
- Kristian Eros
- Kurt Kleinmann
- Lexi Nieto
- Macy Anne Johnson
- Manuel Aragon
- Marisa Duran
- Mark Allen Jr.
- Meg McClain
- Michael Johnson
- Mijeong Takahashi
- Nicholas Markgraf
- Philip Annarella
- Rachel Glass
- Randy Pearlman
- Ry McKeand
- Sarah Roach
- Travis Mullenix
- Van Barr Jr.