No Longer Allowed in Another World is a 2024 anime based on the manga series written by Hiroshi Noda and illustrated by Takahiro Wakamatsu. It is being produced by the studio Atelier Pontdarc and premiered in Japan on July 9, 2024. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on July 30, 2024.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Annette
- Nicholas Markgraf - Sensei
- Rachel Thompson - Tama
Secondary Cast[]
- Branden Loera - Suzuki
- Celeste Perez - Princess Charlotte
- Erin Nicole Lundquist - Sacchan
- Jennifer Alyx - Yuriko
- Jessica Peterson - Aria
- Madeleine Norton - Ysha
- Rachel Glass - Nir
- Ryan Negrón - Wolff
Minor Cast[]
- Adrian Mayes - Esche
- Albie Robles - Male Guard
- Austin Tindle - Toru
- Ben Bryant - King Thomas
- Brian Mathis - King Syberion
- Gerard Caster - Young Student (ep9)
- Jacob Shultz - The Pope
- Jennifer AuBuchon - Femmelos
- Mike Smith - Tetsuo
- Rebecca Danae - System Voice
- Robin Clayton - Nate (ep9)
- Tyson Rinehart - Koutarou
Additional Voices[]
- Ben Bryant
- Brad Foster
- Corey Wilder
- Drew Kocour
- Jordan Kendrick
- Kiba Walker
- Rebecca Danae
- T.J. Anthony
- Tom Aglio