My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 is a 2023 anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Mashiro. It was produced by Aniplex and Madhouse, and aired in Japan from April 2 to June 25, 2023, consisting of thirteen episodes. Aniplex of America and Bang Zoom! Entertainment are producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on Crunchyroll's streaming service on August 23, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Abby Trott - Akane Kinoshita
- Stephen Fu - Akito Yamada
Secondary Cast[]
- Brook Chalmers - Takezo Kamota
- Howard Wang - Takuma Furukawa
- Landon McDonald - Eita Sasaki
- Lauren Landa - Momoko Maeda
- Lizzie Freeman - Yukari Tsubaki
- Michelle Marie - Runa Sasaki
- Ryan Colt Levy - Takeaki Okamoto
Minor Cast[]
- Abby Espiritu - Convenience Store Clerk (eps7, 9)
- Ben Balmaceda - Kim (ep3), Orange Hoodie Guy (ep3), Taniyan (ep3)
- Brianna Knickerbocker - Eri (eps1-2)
- Jalen K. Cassell - Bespectacled Fan (ep5)
- Landon McDonald - Jet Blue Aqua (ep3)
- LilyPichu - Princess Ruri
- Skyler Davenport - Saki (ep12)