My Love Story!! (俺物語!!) is an anime adaptation of the manga of the same name manga written by Kazune Kawahara and illustrated by Aruko. The anime is directed by Morio Asaka, written by Natsuko Takahashi, has music by S.E.N.S. Project, and is animated by Studio Madhouse.
It was licensed by Sentai Filmworks in North America and was released with an English dub on DVD and Blu-Ray on December 20, 2016.
My Love Story!! began airing on April 8, 2015 and concluded on September 24, 2015.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Andrew Love - Takeo Gouda
- Austin Tindle - Makoto Sunakawa
- Tia Ballard - Rinko Yamato
Secondary Cast[]
- Carli Mosier - Ai Sunakawa
- Josh Morrison - Yutaka Gouda
- Juliet Simmons - Yukika Amami
- Marcy Bannor - Yuriko Gouda
- Patrick Poole - Hayato Oda
- Stephanie Wittels - Mariya Saijo
Minor Cast[]
- Blake Shepard - Kakitani
- Bryson Baugus - Young Makoto
- Cameron Bautsch - Osamu Kurihara
- Christina Kelly - Kojima
- Christina Stroup - Mana
- David Matranga - Koki Ichinose
- Gabriel Regojo - Momota
- Gareth West - Fudo
- Luci Christian - Nanako Yamazaki, Young Takeo
- Rachel Landon - Yuko
- Shanae'a Moore - Ayu
Additional Voices[]
- Benjamin McLaughlin
- Carl Masterson
- Carolyn Medrano
- Chelsea Ryan McCurdy
- Corey Hartzog
- Hilary Haag
- Houston Hayes
- Jay Hickman
- John Swasey
- Jovan Jackson
- Kalin Coates
- Katelyn Barr
- Kelly Manison
- Kregg Dailey
- Maggie Flecknoe
- Mark X. Laskowski
- Melissa Pritchett
- Shannon Emerick
- Shelby Blocker
- Wendel Calvert