Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (魔法少女プリティサミー) is an anime based on the magically transformed version of the Sasami character from the various Tenchi Muyo! series. The Pretty Sammy OVAs have been dubbed into English by Pioneer USA (before it became Geneon).
Japanese Voice Cast
English Voice Cast
- Andy Philpot
- Debi Derryberry - Misao Amano/Pixy Misa, Ryo-Ohki
- Diane Michelle - Chihiro Kawai (Singing Voice)
- Ellen Gerstel - Mihoshi (ep1)
- Jack Kandel
- Jennifer Darling - Ayeka
- K.T. Vogt - Washu
- Lara Cody
- Matt K. Miller - Tenchi Masaki
- Petrea Burchard - Ryoko
- Rebecca Forstadt - Mihoshi
- Sherry Lynn - Kiyone (ep1), Sasami Kawai/Pretty Sammy
- Sue Turner-Cray
- Susan Marie Brecht
- Wendee Lee - Kiyone Tony (ep2)
- Doug Stone - Digital Agent (ep2)
- John DeMita - Biff Standard (ep2)
- Steve Blum - Digital Agents (ep2)