Maesetsu! Opening Act is an anime television series based on the light novel series by Tōko Machida. It aired in Japan between October 11 to December 27, 2020, consisting of 12 episodes. NYAV Post is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on the FunimationNow streaming service in 2021.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Jackie Lastra - Fubuki Kitakaze
- Madeline Dorroh - Mafuyu Kogarashi
- Remi Joseph - Rin Araya
Secondary Cast[]
- Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld - Eru Kusaba
- Courtney Chu - Kanae Kanari
- Courtney Shaw - Manatsu Kogarashi
- Jorjeana Marie - Arashi Waraino
- Xanthe Huynh - Nayuta Asogi
Minor Cast[]
- Adin Rudd - Junki Tomita
- Amber Li - Hatsuna Ubuno
- Billy Bob Thompson - Sameshima
- Doug Stone - Inoue, Mysterious Audience Member (ep3)
- Erica Schroeder - Keiko
- Gary Littman - Nakagawa (ep7)
- Heather Gonzalez - Hajime Nakama
- Larissa Gallagher - Ogawa
- Luis Bermudez - Carlos Ali
- Madigan Kacmar - Haruna
- Marc Thompson - Baron Owner, Shop Owner (ep8), Yamamoto
- Matt Giroveanu - Muramoto (ep7)
- Mike McFarland - Hasegawa (ep7), Ishida (ep12), JK Cool Manager Yamada (ep10)
- Mike Pollock - Maeda (ep7)
- Rachel Slotky - Miyuki Kitakaze (ep3)
- Rebeka Thomas - Matsuura
- Triya Leong - Shiho Shiina
- Wendee Lee - Ms. Hirano (ep1)