Made in Abyss is an anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Akihito Tsukushi. It was produced by Kinema Citrus and aired in Japan from July 7 to September 29, 2017, consisting of thirteen episodes. Sentai Filmworks licensed the series and produced its English dub, which began airing on HIDIVE on October 23, 2018.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Brittany Lauda - Riko
- Luci Christian - Reg
Secondary Cast[]
- Allison Sumrall - Laffi
- Brittney Karbowski - Nanachi
- Christine Auten - Ozen
- Daniel Regojo - Leader/Jiruo
- David Harbold - Bondrewd
- John Swasey - Habolg
- Julie Oliver-Touchstone - Director
- Kalin Coates - Kiyui
- Kelley Peters - Marulk
- Kyle Jones - Storyteller
- Monica Rial - Mitty
- Shannon Emerick - Nat
- Shelley Calene-Black - Lyza
- Terri Doty - Shiggy
Minor Cast[]
- Aime Rivera - Ilim (ep 13)
- Alexandra Bedford - Orange Hat Kid (ep 2)
- David Harbold - Corpse-weeper Victim (ep 5), Worker (ep 2)
- James Belcher - Old Man Visitor (ep 2), Old Man Zapo (eps 7-8)
- Joel McCray - Yelme (eps 7-8)
- Kyle Jones - Old Cave Raider (ep 12), Simred (eps 7-8)
- Mike Boike - Shopkeeper (ep 2)
- Natalie Jones - Young Jiruo (ep 8)
- Ned Gayle - Wavering Employee (ep 13)
- Patricia Duran - Young Lyza (ep 7)
- Samantha Stevens - Jerk Kid (ep 13)
Additional Voices[]
- Aime Rivera
- Alexandra Bedford
- Allison Sumrall
- Chris Hawley
- Crystal Ruiz
- James Belcher
- Jay Perez
- Joel McCray
- Julie Oliver-Touchstone
- Kalin Coates
- Kristen Moore
- Lisa Villegas
- Mike Boike
- Natalie Jones
- Ned Gayle
- Patricia Duran
- Patrick Marrero
- Ricardo Contreras
- Robert Cardenas
- Samantha Stevens
- Shannon Reed