Anime Voice-Over Wiki
Lynda Boyd

Lynda Boyd (born January 28, 1965) is a Canadian actress, singer, dancer, musician, and writer.

Anime Voice Work[]

Anime - Dubbing[]

  • Maison Ikkoku - Godai's Mother, Kozue's Friend (ep 14), Office Worker (ep 4), Passerby (ep 2), Puppy Owner (ep 25)
  • Ranma ½ - Gambling Kid (ep 85), Grade School Classmate (ep 39), Hot Spring Girl (ep 44), Kaouri, Kikuko (Nabiki's friend; ep 40), Makoto (ep 76), Neighborhood Lady (ep 67), Skier (ep 27), St. Hebereke Student (ep 37)

Anime Specials - Dubbing[]

Movies - Dubbing[]

OVA - Dubbing[]


  • Number of VA titles on this wiki: (6)