Love Live! Superstar!! is a 2021 anime series that serves as the fourth installment of the Love Live! franchise. The first season aired in Japan from July 11 to October 17, 2021, consisting of twelve episodes. Studio Nano has produced an English dub of the series, which premiered in its entirety on Crunchyroll on June 28, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Julia Gu - Keke Tang
- Kristi Rothrock - Kanon Shibuya
- Lizzie Freeman - Sumire Heanna
- Maddie Matsumoto - Chisato Arashi
- Natalie Van Sistine - Ren Hazuki
Secondary Cast[]
- Corey Pettit - Mao Hiiragi
- Dani Chambers - Yuna Hijirisawa
Minor Cast[]
- Ben Balmaceda - Chibi (eps7-9)
- Cat Protano - Aria Shibuya
- Emery Erickson - Hana (ep8)
- Katy Johnson - Sumire's Sister (eps10, 12)
- Khoi Dao - Manmaru (eps1-2)
- Kristen McGuire - Shibuya Reporter (eps11-12)
- Luci Christian - Kanon's Mother (eps1-3, 8, 12)
- Marianne Bray - Saya (eps7, 12)
- Morgan Lea - Kokono
- Natalie Hoover - Yae
- Ryan Bartley - Nanami
Additional Voices[]
- Cassie Ewulu
- Cat Protano
- Christina Costello
- Corey Pettit
- Dani Chambers
- Emery Erickson
- Emily Frongillo
- Erica Muse
- Farah Naz Rishi
- Francesca Calo
- Katelyn Barr
- Katy Johnson
- Macy Anne Johnson
- Marianne Bray
- Minh Ton
- Natalie Hoover
- Rachel Michelle Thompson
- Ryan Bartley
- Stephanie Young
- Trisha Mellon