Love After World Domination is a 2022 anime based on the manga series by Hiroshi Noda. It premiered in Japan on April 8, 2022. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on its streaming service on April 22, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Anthony DiMascio - Fudo Aikawa/Red Gelato
- Lindsay Seidel - Desumi Magahara/Reaper Princess
Secondary Cast[]
- Brittney Karbowski - Kiki Majima/Beast Princess
- Charlie Campbell - Professor Big Gelato (SimulDub)
- Cris George - Culverin Bear
- Hope Endrenyi - Kyoko Kuroyuri/Steel Princess
- Jason Lord - Daigo Todoroki/Green Gelato
- Macy Anne Johnson - Haru Arisugawa/Pink Gelato
- Morgan Lauré - Misaki Jinguji/Yellow Gelato
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Hayato Ojino/Blue Gelato
- Phil Parsons - Professor Big Gelato (Home Video)
- Reagan Murdock - Supreme Leader Bosslar
- Reshel Mae - Ranran/Judgment Princess
- Sarah Roach - Kira Sazugawa/Blood Princess
- Tia Ballard - Anna Hojo/Heat Princess
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Commercial (ep9)
- Alexis Tipton - App (ep8)
- Ashe Thurman - Daigo's Grandmother (ep7)
- Bryn Apprill - Ultimate Phantom (ep12)
- Celeste Perez - Reporter (eps9, 12)
- Charlie Campbell - Desumi's Father
- Ciarán Strange - Catapult Snake
- Corey Pettit - Drone Rabbit
- Gerardo Davila - Instructor (ep7)
- James Marler - Daigo's Father (ep7)
- Joe Cucinotti - Boyfriend (ep10)
- Kelsey Maher - Daigo's Mother (ep7)
- Kent Williams - Receptionist (ep8)
- Laura Faverty - Anna Hashimoto (ep12)
- Mallorie Rodak - Desumi's Mother
- Monét Lerner - Hellko
- Monty Thompson - Narrator
- Randy Pearlman - Fudo's Mother
- Ray Hurd - Matchlock Eagle
- Sara Ragsdale - Tsurami Magahara (ep9)
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Urami Magahara
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Campbell - Male Skull 1D (ep1), Male Skull 1K (ep1), Additional Voices
- Alex Hom
- Alexis Tipton
- Anastasia Muñoz
- Ashley Thereon
- Brandon Solis
- Brian Hathaway
- Brian Mathis
- Bryan Massey
- Bryn Apprill
- Carl G. Brooks
- Caroline Cole
- Celeste Perez
- Christopher Lee Johnson
- Comona Lewin - Male Skull 1B (ep1), Male Skull 1M (ep1), Additional Voices
- Corinne Sudberg
- Cory Phillips - Male Skull 1C (ep1), Male Skull 1L (ep1), Additional Voices
- Dalton Walker - Male Skull 1A (ep1), Man 1A (ep1), Additional Voices
- Dani Chambers
- Davon Oliver
- Derick Snow
- Dusty Feeney
- Emi Lo - Boy 1B (ep1), Female Staffer 1A (ep1), Additional Voices
- Emily Ernst
- Ethan Gallardo - Male Skull 1F (ep1), Male Skull 1I (ep1), Additional Voices
- Greg Dulcie
- Hollis Beck - Cosplayer (ep10), Additional Voices
- Ian Emerson
- Jacob Alexander - Male Skull 1E (ep1), Male Skull 1J (ep1)
- Jād Saxton
- Jalitza Delgado - Boy 1A (ep1), Additional Voices
- James Chandler
- James Larabee
- James Marler
- Jason Crawford Jordan
- Jennifer Alyx
- John Archer II
- John Gerhardt - Male Skull 1H (ep1)
- Jordan Dash Cruz
- Josh Bangle
- Joshua Franklin
- Justin Briner
- Justin Duncan
- Kalyn McCabe
- Kasi Hollowell
- Katelyn Barr
- Kathryn Taylor Rose
- Kelly Greenshield
- Kelsey Maher
- Kim Morton - Male Skull (ep3)
- Kristen McGuire
- Kristian Eros
- Kristin Sutton
- Lee George - Young Daigo (ep7)
- Lexi Nieto
- Lindsay Seidel
- Lisette Monique Diaz
- Liz Laurenti
- Macy Anne Johnson
- Madeleine Broseh
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Marianne Bray
- Mark Allen Jr. - Boar 1A (ep1), Male Skull 1G (ep1)
- Meg McClain
- Molly Searcy - Female Base Announcer 1A (ep1), Additional Voices
- Monét Lerner
- Monty Thompson - Changer, Additional Voices
- Morgan Larabee
- Morgan Lauré
- Nicholas Markgraf - Male Skull (ep3), Additional Voices
- Rachel Thompson
- Randy Pearlman
- Ryan Seale
- Sara Ragsdale
- Sarah Roach
- Spencer Liles
- Tia Ballard
- Travis Mullenix
- Tristan Bonner
- Tyson Rinehart
- Van Barr Jr.
- Wyatt Baker