Lonely Castle in the Mirror is a 2022 anime film based on the novel written by Mizuki Tsujimura. It was produced by A-1 Pictures and premiered in Japanese theaters on December 23, 2022. GKIDS and NYAV Post have produced an English dub of the film, which will premiere in North American theaters on June 21 and 22, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Micah Lin - Kokoro Anzai
Secondary Cast[]
- Adrian Marrero - Earth Masamune
- Giselle Fernandez - Aki Inoue
- Huxley Westemeier - Rion Mizumori
- Kieran Regan - Subaru Nagahisa
- Riley Webb - Haruka Ureshino
- Vivienne Rutherford - Wolf Queen
- Zoe Glick - Fuka Hasegawa
Minor Cast[]
- Anne Yatco - Musamune's Mother, Rion's Mother, Subaru's Grandmother
- Ashley Boettcher - Moe Tojo
- Carter Rockwood - Young Rion
- Cassie Glow - Miori Sanada
- Francesca Calo - Kitajima's Co-Worker, Ureshino's Mother
- Frank Todaro - Aki's Stepfather, Subaru's Grandfather
- Julie Nathanson - Kokoro's Mother, Piano Teacher
- Michael Sinterniklaas - Kokoro's Father, Mr. Ida, Musamune's Father
- Sasha Yurchak - Chuta Ikeda
- Stephanie Sheh - Fuka's Mother, School Nurse
Additional Voices[]
- Adrian Marrero
- Anne Yatco
- Ashley Boettcher
- Cassie Glow
- Francesca Calo
- Frank Todaro
- Giselle Fernandez
- Julie Nathanson
- Kieran Regan
- Michael Sinterniklaas
- Moira Rogers
- Natalie Chan
- Sabrina Glow
- Sasha Yurchak
- Stephanie Sheh
- Vivienne Rutherford
- Zoe Glick