Land of the Lustrous is a 2017 anime television series based on Haruko Ichikawa's manga of the same name, produced by the computer graphics (CG) animation studio Orange and directed and written by Takahiko Kyogoku and Toshiya Ono, respectively. It aired for twelve episodes on Japanese television on AT-X, Tokyo MX, BS11 and MBS from October 7 to December 23, 2017.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Avery Smithhart - Cinnabar
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Phos
Secondary Cast[]
- Aimee Heimbuecher - Hemimorphite
- Allison Sumrall - Yellow Diamond
- Alyssa Marek - Antarcticite
- Brian Mathis - Kongo
- Brittney Karbowski - Zircon
- Carli Mosier - Neptunite
- Cat Thomas - Red Beryl
- Elissa Cuellar - Benitoite
- Genevieve Simmons - Bort
- Heidi Hinkel - Jade
- Jessica Portillo - Peridot, Watermelon Tourmaline
- Juliet Simmons - Goshenite
- Natalie Jones - Sphene
- Olivia Swasey - Morga
- Savanna Menzel - Diamond
- Serena Varghese - Euclase
- Shanae'a Moore - Obsidian
- Shelby Blocker - Alexandrite
- Shelley Calene-Black - Rutile
- Teresa Zimmerman - Amythest 33, Amythest 84
Minor Cast[]
- Christina Kelly - Padparadscha (ep 11)
- Kalin Coates - Ice
- Luci Christian - King Ventricosus (eps 4-5)
- Maggie Flecknoe - Aculeatus (ep 5)
- Samantha Stevens - Heliodor (ep 12)