KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World is a 2023 anime based on the manga written by Aoi Akashiro and illustrated by Sonshō Hangetsuban. It is produced by Studio Palette and premiered in Japan on April 6. 2023. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on April 19, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Austin Tindle - Yukito Urabe
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Mitama
Secondary Cast[]
- Bradley Gareth - Bertrand (Male)
- Bryn Apprill - Alural
- Christopher Guerrero - Soichiro Urabe
- Corey Pettit - Bertrand (Female)
- Dusty Feeney - Kai
- Emi Lo - Atar
- Hannah Alyea - Cyan
- Leah Clark - Dakini
- Lindsay Seidel - Siluril
- Meli Grant - Clen, Loki
- Travis Mullenix - Roy
Minor Cast[]
- Abigail Blythe - ChilChil
- Alex Hom - Ricky
- Bree Han - Boy Villager
- Leo Matthews - Cain
- Monica Flatley - Fau
- Reagan Murdock - Emperor
- Uku Leili - Yushi
Additional Voices[]
- Adam Rowe
- Ben Stegmair
- Branden Loera
- Bryan Massey
- Carl G. Brooks
- Corey Wilder
- Dee Meo
- Eduardo Vildasol
- Katie Wetch
- Kelly Greenshield
- Kimmie Britt
- Kristian Eros
- Lindsay Sheppard
- Matthew Elkins
- Mauricio Ortiz-Segura
- Monica Flatley
- Monty Thompson
- Morgan Lea
- Patrick Mealey
- Rachel Thompson
- Reshel Mae
- Sean Letourneau
- Stephen E. Moellering
- Trisha Mellon
- Tyson Rinehart
- Van Barr Jr.
- William Ofoegbu