Jewel BEM Hunter Lime is an original video animation based on the PC game created by Silence. It was released in Japan between October 25, 1996 and March 7, 1997, consisting of 3 episodes.
English Voice Cast[]
- Lime - Stacie Renna
- Bas - Ed Paul
- Mizuki - Mandy Bonhomme
- Narrator - Earl Grone
- Mr. Candle - Billy Regan
- Mr. Purse - Georgette Reilly
- Mr. C. Ringe - Dana Halsted
- Doc - J David Brimmer
Additional Voices[]
- Tom Von Pink
- Robin Rag
- Joe Dig
- Gary Wisen
- Mandy Bonhomme
- Billy Regan
- Dana Halsted
- Stacie Renna
- Earl Grone
- Georgette Reilly