Izetta: The Last Witch is a 2016 anime series produced by Aija-do Animation Works. It premiered in Japan on October 1, 2016. FUNimation Entertainment started airing an English dub of the series on its streaming service FunimationNow on October 19, 2016.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Mallorie Rodak - Ortfiné Fredericka "Finé" von Eylstadt
- Skyler McIntosh - Izetta
Secondary Cast[]
- Christopher Wehkamp - Sieghart "Sieg" Müller
- Derick Snow - Rickert
- Haulston Mann - Hans Obermeyer
- Jād Saxton - Sophie
- Jeffrey Schmidt - Basler
- Jill Harris - Lotte
- John Burgmeier - Belkman
- Madeleine Morris - Bianca
- Tia Ballard - Elvira Friedman
Minor Cast[]
- Alejandro Saab - Laurence
- Barry Yandell - Narrator
- Ben Bryant - Hermann (ep1)
- Ben Phillips - Valmer
- Bill Brooks - Ambassador MacLeod
- Brandon Potter - Emperor Otto
- Chris Cason - Heisenberg (ep12)
- Chris Rager - Ambassador Stanley
- Chris Ryan - Koontz (ep6)
- Christopher Bevins - Dorothée
- Christopher R. Sabat - Baer (ep3)
- Cole Brown - Lord Redford (ep1, 5)
- Dave Trosko - Elliot
- David Wald - Lord Redford (ep7+)
- Ed Blaylock - Prince Magnus IX
- Grant James - Bonham (ep8)
- Ivan Jasso - Wing Commander Groman (ep7)
- Jean-Luc Hester - Jonas Gallea
- Jeff Johnson - Major Keller (ep3)
- Jeremy Inman - General Grosskopf
- Jeremy Schwartz - General Schneider
- Kent Williams - General Benoit
- Kyle Phillips - Tobias (ep1)
- Larry Brantley - Prime Minister Burns
- Laurie Steele - Izetta's Grandmother
- Leah Clark - Elizabeth
- Michael Johnson - Goerz (ep1)
- Orion Pitts - Thomas
- Phil Parsons - Matthias (ep12)
- Philip Weber - Archduke Rudolf
- R. Bruce Elliott - Haltmayr
- Vic Mignogna - Hagar (ep11)
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Roberts
- Alex Moore
- Alex Organ
- Alexis Tipton
- Amber Lee Connors
- Anastasia Muñoz
- Anthony Bowling
- Austin Tindle
- Ben Ambroso
- Ben Phillips
- Blake McNamara
- Blake Shepard
- Brad Hawkins
- Brad Smeaton
- Brian Mathis
- Brian Olvera
- Bryan Massey
- Chad Cline
- Charlie Campbell
- Chris Guerrero
- Chris Rager
- Chris Thurman
- Christian Taylor
- Christopher Bevins
- Christopher R. Sabat
- Clay Wheeler
- Cris George
- Dallas Clifton
- Daman Mills
- Daniel Baugh
- Dave Woodard
- David Matranga
- David Trosko
- Dawn M. Bennett
- Doug Jackson
- Elijah Muller
- Elizabeth Maxwell
- Ethan Gallardo
- Garret Storms
- Greg Dulcie
- Ian Moore
- Jacob Browning
- Jamie Marchi
- Jeannie Tirado
- Jeff Johnson
- Jessica Sluys
- Jim Foronda
- Jim Kent
- Justin Briner
- Justin Duncan
- Justin Green
- Justin Pate
- Katie Weekley
- Keith Kubal
- Kris Bryan
- Kristen McGuire
- Kyle Phillips
- Laureta Sela
- Leah Clark
- Lynsey Hale
- Marisa Duran
- Mark Stoddard
- Marla Acevedo
- Michael Flaherty
- Mikaela Krantz
- Monica Rial
- Morgan Berry
- Nick Landis
- Orion Pitts
- Oscar Seung
- Philip Annarella
- R. Bruce Elliott
- Rachel Glass
- Ricco Fajardo
- Rick Keeling
- Robert McCollum
- Sara Ragsdale
- Shawn Gann
- T.K. Masala
- Tia Ballard
- Trina Nishimura
- Troy Hughes
- Tyler Walker
- Tyson Rinehart
- Will Short
- Xan Cramer