Ikki Tousen: Great Guardians is an anime based on the manga series written and illustrated by Yuji Shiozaki. It's the third anime series based on the manga, following Ikki Tousen and Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny. It aired between June 11, 2008 and August 27, 2008.
English Voice Cast
Main Cast
- Carrie Savage - Hakufu Sonsaku
- Lauren Landa - Chuubou Sonken
- Robin Rhodpa - Housen Ryofu
- Ted Sroka - Koukin Shuuyuu
- Willow Lane - Shimei Ryomou
Secondary Cast
- B. Simpson - Gentoku Ryuubi
- Cristina Vee - Genpou Saji/Red Hood
- Jessica Calvello - Chouhi Ekitoku
- Liam O'Brien - Genpou Saji/Shishi Ouin
- Rachel Robinson - Kan'u Uncho
- Wendee Lee - Goei
Minor Cast
- B. Simpson - Bashoku Youjou (ep8)
- Caitlin Glass - Choushou
- Erika Weinstein - Hakugen Rikuson
- Geoffrey Chalmers - Shizonsui
- Georgette Reilly - Myosai Kakouen
- Greg Weisman - Moutoku Sousou (ep11)
- Ivan Buckley - Gakushu
- Josh Grelle - Doctor Kada (ep1)
- Josh Phillips - Genjou Kakouton
- Kyle Hebert - Kouchuu Kanshou
- Megan Harvey - Koumei Shokatsuryou
- Michele Knotz - Chou'un Shiryuu
- Todd Haberkorn - En'in (ep2)
Additional Voices
- Bonnie Gordon
- Caitlin Glass
- Cristina Vee
- Derek Jones
- Hunter Austin
- Ivan Buckley
- Jay Klein
- Josh Grelle
- Josh Phillips
- Kyle Hebert
- Megan Harvey
- Mike Pollock - Suikyou
- Todd Haberkorn
- Zarah Levy