I Parry Everything! is a 2024 anime based on the light novel series written by Nabeshiki and illustrated by Kawaguchi. It is produced by OLM and premiered in Japan on July 5, 2024. Sentai Filmworks is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on HIDIVE on August 29, 2024.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Annie Wild - Lynneburg "Lynne" Clays
- Sean Patrick Judge - Noor
Secondary Cast[]
- Adam Noble - Carew
- Blake Weir - Sain
- Clint Bickham - Rolo
- Elissa Cuellar - Ines Harness
- Houston Hayes - Rein Clays
- Jack Stansbury - Sig
- Joe Daniels - Gilbert
- John Gremillion - Dandaig
- John Swasey - Oken
- Luis Galindo - King Clays
- Natalie Rial - Mianne
Minor Cast[]
- Allison Sumrall - Noor's Mother (ep1), Stella (eps1, 3)
- Alyssa Marek - Guild Receptionist
- Brittney Karbowski - Child Noor (eps1-2, 6, 8)
- Cyrus Rodas - Goblin Emperor (eps4, 8)
- Jay Hickman - Deridas III (eps2, 8)
- Kyle Colby Jones - Darken (eps2, 5, 7-8)
- Matthew David Rudd - Noor's Father (eps1, 8)
- Nathan Wilson - Young Noor
- Rob Mungle - Master (eps1-2, 4-5)