I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss is a 2022 anime series based on the light novel series written by Sarasa Nagase and illustrated by Mai Murasaki. It was produced by Maho Film and premiered in Japan on September 24, 2022. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on October 15, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Aileen Lauren Dautriche
- John Burgmeier - Claude Jeanne Elmir
Secondary Cast[]
- Aaron Dismuke - Elephas Levi
- Alejandro Saab - Isaac Lombard
- Anthony Bowling - Almond
- Ben Balmaceda - James Charles
- Brandon Johnson - Belzebuth
- Ciarán Strange - Denis
- Emily Neves - Selena Gilbert
- Hayden Daviau - Lilia Rainworth
- James Cheek - Walt Lizanis
- Jarrod Greene - Quartz
- Jerry Jewell - Ruck
- Kieran Flitton - Kyle Elford
- Kyle Igneczi - Cedric Jeanne Elmir
- Kyle Phillips - Keith Eigrid
- Lee George - Auguste Zelm
- Marcus D. Stimac - Jasper Varie
Minor Cast[]
- Abigail Blythe - Young Cedric (ep3)
- Clifford Chapin - Young Claude (ep4)
- Derick Snow - Young Keith (ep4)
- Emily Fajardo - Ribbon (eps1-3, 7)
- Kamen Casey - Marcus (eps1-2, 4)
- Luci Christian - Lala Jeanne Elmir (eps9, 11-12)
- Robert McCollum - Koenig (ep5)
- Ryan Negrón - Leicester Crane (eps10-12)
- Sean Hennigan - Rudolf Lauren d'Autriche (eps1-4)
Additional Voices[]
- Bruce Carey
- Bryson Baugus
- Charles Nguyen
- Christian Thorsen
- Cory Phillips
- Danielle Yoshiko Phillips
- Davon Oliver
- Erica Muse
- Grant Paulsen
- Henry Schrader
- Jack Reeder
- Jacob Alexander
- Jacob Eiseman
- James Larabee
- James Marler
- Jim Foronda
- Kelly Greenshield
- Kimmie Britt
- Kristian Eros
- Marianne Bray
- Marisa Duran
- Mark Allen Jr.
- Morgan Larabee
- Nicholas Markgraf
- Rochelle Grimsmo
- Ryan Seale
- Scott Montano
- Tristan Bonner
- Van Barr Jr.
- Veronica Laux
- William Ofoegbu
- Yussef Benelbar