I'm in Love with the Villainess is a 2023 yuri anime series based on the light novel series written by Inori and illustrated by Hanagata. It is produced by Platinum Vision and set to premiere on Crunchyroll in both Japanese and English on October 2, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Hannah Alyea - Rae Taylor
- Lindsay Sheppard - Claire François
Secondary Cast[]
- Abigail Blythe - Pepi Barlier
- Brittany Lauda - Ralaire
- Ciarán Strange - Yū Bauer
- Corey Wilder - Rod Bauer
- Erin Nicole Lundquist - Loretta Kugret
- Kara Edwards - Lene Aurousseau
- Katelyn Barr - Manaria Sousse
- Marisa Duran - Misha Jur
- Oscar Seung - Thane Bauer
Minor Cast[]
- Alfie Coy - Loro's Servant (ep7)
- Bruce DuBose - Torrid Magic
- Christopher R. Sabat - L'Ausseil Bauer
- Corey Pettit - Head Maid
- Dallas Reid - Black Mask
- David Wald - Salas Lilium
- Eduardo Vildasol - Matt
- Jessie James Grelle - Lambert Aurousseau
- Jill Harris - Lilly
- Kayleigh McKee - God
- Kent Williams - Dole François
- Mark Allen Jr. - Lorek Kugret
- Nasim Benelkour - Marcel Loro
- Natalie Van Sistine - Melia François
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Darcel Loro
- Sean Letourneau - Dede Murray
Additional Voices[]
- Albie Robles
- Ben Stegmair
- Brandi Price
- Brandon Solis
- C.J. Critt
- Chase Kloza
- Christian Thorsen
- Christopher Wehkamp
- Comona Lewin
- Dio Garner
- Gerard Caster
- Jacob Wilson
- Jason Crawford Jordan
- Katie Wetch
- Marianne Bray
- Mike Smith
- Monica Flatley
- Nasim Benelkour
- Nathan Benyounes
- Patrick Mealey
- Reggie Lussier
- Stephanie Sakovich
- Van Barr Jr.