Hundred is 2016 anime series based on the light novel series written by Jun Misaki and illustrated by Nekosuke Ōkuma. It aired in Japan from April 5 to June 21, 2016, consisting of 12 episodes. FUNimation Entertainment has produced an English dub of the series.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Mikaela Krantz - Emile Crossfode
- Ricco Fajardo - Hayato Kisaragi
Secondary Cast[]
- Alex Moore - Liddy Steinberg
- Alexis Tipton - Nakri Olfred
- Amber Lee Connors - Sakura Kirishima
- Caitlin Glass - Claire Harvey
- Dawn M. Bennett - Karen Kisaragi
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Reitia Saintemilion
- Ian Sinclair - Judal Harvey
- Jason Liebrecht - Fritz Glanz
- Monica Rial - Vitaly Tynyanov
- Natalie Hoover - Erica Candle
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Charlotte Dimandias
Minor Cast[]
- Apphia Yu - Xue-Mei Liu
- Bryn Apprill - Claudia Loetty
- Howard Wang - Chris Steinbelt
- Jill Harris - Mei-Mai
- Madeleine Morris - Noa Sheldon
- Megan Shipman - Liza Harvey
- Rachel Glass - Miharu Kashiwagi