Horimiya is a 2021 anime based on the web manga "Hori-san to Miyamura-kun" by Hero. It premiered in Japan from January 10 to April 4, 2021. FUNimation Entertainment produced an English dub of the series, which premiered on the FunimationNow streaming service on February 6, 2021.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alejandro Saab - Izumi Miyamura
- Marisa Duran - Kyōko Hori
Secondary Cast[]
- Anairis Quiñones - Yuki Yoshikawa
- Apphia Yu - Honoka Sawada
- Belsheber Rusape - Kakeru Sengoku
- Bill Butts - Kyosuke Hori
- Celeste Perez - Sakura Kōno
- Christopher Llewyn Ramirez - Koichi Shindo
- Emi Lo - Motoko Iura
- Emily Fajardo - Sōta Hori
- Jalitza Delgado - Remi Ayasaki
- Johnny Yong Bosch - Akane Yanagi
- Kiba Walker - Makio Tanihara
- Marissa Lenti - Yuriko Hori
- Y. Chang - Shū Iura
- Zeno Robinson - Tōru Ishikawa
Minor Cast[]
- Alex Mai - Male Student (ep1)
- Alle Mims - Miki Yoshikawa (eps10, 12)
- Anastasia Muñoz - Teacher (ep13)
- Ben Balmaceda - Gym Teacher (ep1)
- Cassie Ewulu - Keigo Izumi (ep5)
- Dani Chambers - Takako Nishi, Yuna Okuyama (ep12)
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Yoshikawa's Mom (ep10)
- Erica Mendez - Chika Ichijō (ep12)
- Gabe Kunda - Shin Yasuda
- Hope Endrenyi - Shrine Girl (ep11)
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Ichiro Watabe (ep13), Sawada's Older Brother (ep6)
- Kenneisha Thompson - Kayo Yashiro (ep12), Reiko Terajima (ep3)
- Kyle Hebert - Teacher (ep11)
- Mark Allen Jr. - Taiki Mizouchi (ep9)
- Michael Stimac - Miyamura's Uncle (ep7)
- Michelle Rojas - Iori Miyamura
- Natalie Rose - Female Student C (ep1)
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Kamioka (ep8)
- Sarah Roach - Preschool Teacher (ep1)
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Female Student A (ep1)
- Shawn Gann - Yoji Tanihara (ep12)
- Tabitha Ray - Female Student B (ep1)
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Dismuke
- Ace Anderson - Tanihara's Friend A (ep9)
- Alejandro Saab
- Alex Mai
- Amber Lee Connors
- Anastasia Muñoz
- Austin Tindle
- Ben Balmaceda
- Brittany Lauda
- Caitlin Glass
- Cassie Ewulu
- Cory Phillips
- Daman Mills
- Danielle Yoshiko Phillips
- Emi Lo
- Hope Endrenyi
- Howard Wang
- Jordan Dash Cruz
- Kara Edwards
- Kate Bristol
- Katelyn Barr
- Kevin D. Thelwell
- Kiba Walker
- Kimmie Britt
- Lee George - Tanihara's Friend B (ep9)
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Marissa Lenti
- Mark Allen Jr.
- Matt Holmes
- Matt Shipman
- Michael Stimac
- Monica Rial
- Ricco Fajardo
- Sarah Roach
- Sarah Wiedenheft
- Suzie Yeung
- Tabitha Ray