Hinamatsuri is a 2018 anime series based on the manga series by Masao Ōtake. It premiered in Japan on April 6, 2018. Funimation Entertainment is producing a SimulDub of the series, which will premiere on the FunimationNow streaming service on April 26, 2018.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Brina Palencia - Hina
- Jarrod Greene - Yoshifumi Nitta
Secondary Cast[]
- Amanda Lee - Anzu
- Ariel Graham - Mao
- Kyle Phillips - Sabu
- Mallorie Rodak - Utako
- Tabitha Ray - Hitomi Mishima
- Tyler Walker - Baba Kashira
Minor Cast[]
- Adam Gibbs - Tsubasa Matsutani
- Amber Lee Connors - Shiho Asagiri (ep10)
- Andrew Love - Daisuke Seta (ep11)
- Bill Flynn - Goto (Male Hobo 3A)
- Bill Jenkins - Oyaji
- Brandon McInnis - Gorou (ep7)
- Chris Rager - Byu (ep11)
- Christopher R. Sabat - Tatsuhiko Naito
- Chuck Huber - Shinozuka (ep1)
- Cynthia Cranz - Niita's Mom
- Haileigh Todd - Takashi Shimoda
- Ian Mead Moore - Zenba (ep9)
- Jennifer Alyx - Sayo Aizawa
- John Burgmeier - Old Man Tanaka
- Josh Bangle - Homda (ep11)
- Justin Cook - Atsushi
- Katelyn Barr - Mika Nitta
- Kent Williams - Shige
- Kristy Sims - Hitomi's Mom
- Leah Clark - Kei Ikaruga
- Linda Leonard - Mrs. Hayashi
- Lindsay Seidel - Mami Shinjou
- Philip Annarella - Yoshida (ep5)
- R. Bruce Elliott - Yassan
- Randy Pearlman - Mr. Hayashi
- Robert McCollum - Abe (ep4)
- Stephanie Young - Mami's Mom (ep8)
- Whitney Rodgers - Kengo Nakata
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Roberts - Male Staff 3B (ep3), Additional Voices
- Adam Gibbs
- Alison Viktorin
- Amanda Lee
- Andy Mullins
- Apphia Yu
- Austin Tindle
- Brad Hawkins
- Brad Kurtz
- Brian Mathis
- Brian Olvera
- Brina Palencia
- Bruce DuBose - Male Hobo 3B (ep3), Additional Voices
- Chad Halbrook
- Chris Burnett
- Chuck Huber
- Clifford Chapin
- Coby Lewin
- Colten Winburn
- Cory Phillips
- Crystal Cook - Woman 4A (ep4)
- Dallas Reid
- Daman Mills
- Dani Chambers
- Daniel Baugh - Male Hobo 3C (ep3), Male Hobo 3D (ep6)
- Dave Trosko
- Derick Snow
- Doug Jackson
- Dusty Feeney
- Elizabeth Maxwell
- Eric Swarbrick
- Erika Larsen
- Evan Hundley - Male Officer 4B (ep4), Male Shop Owner 4A (ep4)
- Felecia Angelle
- Francis Henry
- Garret Storms
- Garrett Schenck
- Genna Ford
- Greg Ayres - Male Rocker 4B (ep4), Man 4A (ep4)
- Greg Dulcie - Male Can Collector 3A (ep3)
- Ian Mead Moore
- Ian Sinclair
- Janelle Lutz
- Jarrod Greene
- Jeremy Woods
- Jessica Sluys
- Jill Harris
- John Wesley Go
- Jordan Drayer
- Josh Bangle
- Josh Grelle
- Justin Briner - Male Bar Goer 2A (ep2, 4)
- Justin Pate
- Kara Edwards
- Kate Oxley
- Kenny Green - Male Hobo 3C (ep6), Additional Voices
- Kris Bryan
- Kristi Kang
- Kyle Igneczi
- Lance Hardwood
- Larry Brantley - Vice Principal, Additional Voices
- Lindsay Seidel
- Luci Christian
- Lynsey Hale
- Madeleine Morris - Male Student 5A (ep5), Additional Voices
- Marcos Martinez
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Mark Fickert
- Matt Grounds
- Mark Stoddard
- Matt Thurston
- Michelle Rojas
- Mikaela Krantz
- Mindy Neuendorff
- Monica Rial
- Natalie Hoover - Woman 5A (ep5)
- Nazeeh Tarsha
- Newton Pittman - Male Cabby 5A (ep5), Man 5A (ep5)
- Nicole Endicott
- Patrick Morphy
- Phil Parsons - Male Bar Goer 2B (ep2, 4), Additional Voices
- Philip Annarella - Male Rocker 4C (ep4), Man 4B (ep4)
- Preston Danger - Male Staff 3A (ep3), Additional Voices
- Quinn Angell
- Rachael Messer
- Ricco Fajardo - Male Rocker 4A (ep4)
- Sarah Wiedenheft
- Shawn Gann
- Skyler McIntosh
- Stephen Fu - Male Officer 4A (ep4), Officer 5A (ep5), Additional Voices
- T.K. Masala
- Terri Doty
- Tia Ballard
- Tyler Carson - Male Chef 3A (ep3)
- Tyson Rinehart
- Zach Archibald