Handyman Saitou in Another World is a 2023 anime series based on the manga series by Kazutomo Ichitomo. It was produced by C2C and premiered in Japan on January 8, 2023. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on January 22, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Blake McNamara - Saitou
- Bradley Campbell - Morlock
- Krystal LaPorte - Lafanpan
- Sarah Roach - Raelza
Secondary Cast[]
- Celeste Perez - Primasse
- Chris Rager - Demon King
- Christopher Guerrero - Gibungle
- Corey Pettit - Flanril
- Hannah Alyea - Riahee
- Jalitza Delgado - Liliza
- Kelly Greenshield - Maevena
- Kieran Flitton - Cainz
- Lee George - Monpui
- Macy Anne Johnson - Ninia
- Matthew David Rudd - Guivre
- Morgan Garrett - Lavella
Minor Cast[]
- Alejandro Saab - Demon Dog
- Ciarán Strange - Time Wizard
- Davon Oliver - Ableth
- Garrett Schenck - King
- Joshua Passmore - Talephon
- Landon McDonald - Maderaka
Additional Voices[]
- Adam Rowe
- Ben Stegmair
- Brad Foster
- Bradley Gareth
- Chris Long
- Davon Oliver
- Dylan Mobley
- Grant Paulsen
- James Larabee
- Jennifer Alyx
- Justin Green
- Kimmie Britt
- Kyle Phillips
- Lisette Monique Diaz
- Matthew Elkins
- Meg McClain
- Monica Rial
- Morgan Larabee
- Oscar Seung
- Patrick Mealey
- Rochelle Grimsmo
- Reggie Lussier
- Ryan Seale
- Stephanie Young
- Tom Cullum
- William Ofoegbu
- Yussef Benelbar