Hakumei and Mikochi is a 2018 anime series based on the manga series written by Takuto Kashiki. It was produced by Lerche and aired in Japan from January 12 to March 30, 2018, consisting of twelve episodes. The English dub of the series was produced by Sentai Filmworks.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Amanda Lee - Mikochi
- Brittney Karbowski - Hakumei
Secondary Cast[]
- Allison Sumrall - Konji
- Kira Vincent-Davis - Sen
- Shelley Calene-Black - Kobone
- Ty Mahany - Iwashi
Minor Cast[]
- Adam Gibbs - Yunaka
- Andrew Love - Lizard
- Brittany Lauda - Sasanami
- Bryson Baugus - Nobuki
- Caitlynn French - Koharu
- Carl Masterson - Kate
- Carli Mosier - Jada (ep6)
- Cat Thomas - Raika
- Christina Kelly - Mimari, Young Kobone
- Courtney Lomelo - Ryokubirou
- David Wald - Hikagi
- Gabriel Regojo - Sekimenmaru
- Gareth West - Biryuu
- Greg Cote - Vintage Store Clerk
- Heidi Hinkel - Ayune
- Jack Ivy - Tougetsu
- James Belcher - Old Hedgehog
- Joanne Bonasso - Hakuyo
- John Gremillion - Tsumujimaru
- John Swasey - Fusenmaru
- Josh Morrison - Narai
- Juliet Simmons - Mimi
- Kyle Jones - Grasshopper
- Mark X. Laskowski - Ukai
- Nathan Wilson - Leopard
- Olivia Swasey - Shinato
- Patricia Duran - Furniture Store Clerk (ep7)
- Scott Gibbs - Koyabe
- Shelby Blocker - Keika