Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters is a Japanese CG anime kaiju film featuring Godzilla. It was produced by Polygon Pictures and Toho Animation. It was released in Japan on November 17, 2017 and began streaming on Netflix on January 17, 2018.
- Harou: Chris Niosi
- Metphies: Lucien Dodge
- Martin Lazzari: Edward Bosco
- Leland: Danny Boston
- Galu Gu: Taylor Henry
- Belu-Be: Rich Brown
Additional Cast:[]
- Martin Billany
- Robbie Daymond
- Chris Hackney
- Rachelle Heger - Miana
- Joe Ochman
- Roy Lee Pitts III
- Laura Post
- Bill Rogers
- Doug Stone
- Paul St. Peter
- David Sylvain
Additional Voices (Uncredited)[]
- Cristina Valenzuela - Yuko Tani