Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle is a Japanese computer-animated science fiction film featuring Godzilla. It is the sequel to Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters. It premiered in Japan on May 18, 2018 and began streaming on Netflix on July 18, 2018.
- Haruo: Chris Niosi
- Galu-Gu: Taylor Henry
- Martin: Edward Bosco
- Metphies: Lucien Dodge
- Belu-Be: Rich Brown
- Yuko: Cristina Vee
Additional Cast:[]
- Robbie Daymond
- Frank Gerrish
- E Bentley
- Rachelle Heger - Miana
- Kendall Gimbi
- David Sylvain
- Doug Stone
- Paul St. Peter
- Chris Hackney
- Kristine De Los Santos
- Joe Ochman
- Bill Rogers
- Michael Vasque
- Roy Lee Pitts III
- Alexey Strekalov