Gods' Games We Play is a 2024 anime based on the light novel series written by Kei Sazane and illustrated by Toiro Tomose. It is produced by Kadokawa and Liden Films, and will premiere in Japan on April 1, 2024, with an English dub premiering on Crunchyroll on the same day.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Kelsey Maher - Leoleshea (Understudy; ep5)
- Ryan Negrón - Fay Theo Philus
- Trisha Mellon - Leoleshea
Secondary Cast[]
- Bryn Apprill - Pearl Diamond
- Jalitza Delgado - Uroboros
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Dax Gear Scimitar
- Molly Searcy - Miranda
- Molly Zhang - Nel Reckless
- Monica Flatley - Kelritch Shee
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Ashlan
- Aaron Michael - Orvan Miskitz
- Colleen Clinkenbeard - Bookmaker
- Dani Chambers - Anubis (ep13)
- Danielle Yoshiko Phillips - Yuuki (ep3)
- Gabe Kunda - Mahtma II
- John Burgmeier - Pizaristed
- Kamen Casey - Captain (ep4)
- Kristian Eros - Male Reporter (ep1)
- Kristin Sutton - Meep
- Mallorie Rodak - Camilla
- Nasim Benelkour - AL
- Phil Parsons - Balegger Irons
- Rachel Michelle Thompson - Meep (ep4)
- Rebecca Danae - Asta Canarial
- Vanessa Benoit - Operator (ep6)