Goblin Slayer is a 2018 anime based on the light novel series by Kumo Kagyu. It premiered in Japan on October 7, 2018. Funimation Entertainment has licensed the series and is producing a SimulDub, which premiered on the FunimationNow streaming service on October 25, 2018.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Brad Hawkins - Goblin Slayer
- Hayden Daviau - Priestess
Secondary Cast[]
- Barry Yandell - Dwarf Shaman
- Brittany Lauda - Cow Girl
- Josh Bangle - Lizardman Priest
- Mallorie Rodak - High Elf Archer
- Meg McClain - Sword Maiden
- Sara Ragsdale - Guild Girl
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Dismuke - Adventurers (ep7)
- Aaron Roberts - Adventurers (ep7)
- Alejandro Saab - ApprenticeBoy (ep10)
- Amanda Gish - Mysterious Wizard/Witch
- Andy Mullins - Manager
- Chad Halbrook - Heavy Warrior
- Charles Campbell - Rhea/Burglar
- Chris Guerrero - Evil Priest (ep6)
- Dallas Reid - Male Elf (ep4)
- Daman Mills - Light Warrior (eps11-12)
- Garret Storms - Rhea Scout (ep5)
- Haileigh Todd - Young Goblin Slayer
- Hammond Cheasey LXIX - Goblin Champion
- Howard Wang - Light Warrior (ep3), Young Scout
- Jacob Browning - Driver (ep9), Giant Eyeball (ep8), Goblin Lord
- Jād Saxton - Swordmaster
- Jarrod Greene - Cow Girl's Uncle
- Jessica Peterson - Female Narrator
- Justin Briner - Male Elf (ep4)
- Justin Pate - Rookie Swordsman
- Katlin Moon-Jones - Druid Girl
- Kristen McGuire - Fighter (ep1)
- Kristi Rothrock - Mage (ep1)
- Kyle Igneczi - Spear Man
- Marcus Stimac - Ogre (ep4)
- Matt Shipman - Greenhorn Soldier
- Megan Shipman - Sage
- Meli Grant - Amazon Warrior
- Michelle Rojas - Inspector
- Monica Rial - Cow Girl Mom (ep2)
- R. Bruce Elliott - Smith
- Rachael Messer - Female Knight
- Rachel Glass - Goblin Slayer's Sister (ep2)
- Rachel Thompson - Female Elf (ep4), Female Knight (ep5; SimulDub only), Goblin Slayer's Sister (ep10), Hero
- Ricco Fajardo - Rookie Mage (ep2)
- Sarah Wiedenheft - Apprentice Cleric
- Travis McGuire - Bard (ep2)
- Tyler Carson - Warrior (ep1)
- Tyler Walker - Mayor
Additional Voices[]
- Amanda Lee
- Amber Lee Connors
- Anthony Bowling
- Chad Halbrook
- Chris Gardener
- Christopher Wehkamp
- Clifford Chapin
- Coby Lewin
- Cody Savoie
- Cory Phillips
- Dallas Reid
- Emi Lo
- Emily Fajardo
- Felecia Overfelt
- Hammond Cheasey LXIX
- Howard Wang
- Ivan Jasso
- Jacob Browning
- Jeremy Inman
- Jessica Peterson
- Josh Bangle
- Justin Briner
- Katelyn Barr
- Katlin Moon-Jones
- Kristi Rothrock
- Kristy Sims
- Kyle Igneczi
- Kyle Phillips
- Marcus D. Stimac
- Matt Shipman
- Megan Shipman
- Orion Pitts
- Philip Anarella
- Rachael Messer
- Rachel Michelle Thompson
- Ricco Fajardo
- Ryan Urbanovsky
- Sara Ragsdale
- Sarah Wiedenheft
- Skyler McIntosh
- Stephen Fu
- Tabitha Ray
- Tyler Walker