Girls' Frontline is a 2022 anime series based on the Chinese mobile strategy game of the same name. It is produced by Asahi Production and premiered in Japan on January 8, 2022. FUNimation Entertainment is producing an English dub of the series which will premiere on the FUNimationNow streaming service on February 4, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - ST AR-15
- Amber Lee Connors - M4A1
- Arryn Zech - Gentiane
- Dani Chambers - M4 SOPMOD II
- Luci Christian - Kalina
- Michelle Rojas - M16A1
Secondary Cast[]
- Brittney Karbowski - Negev
- Bryn Apprill - G43
- Chris Rager - Kryuger
- Cristina Vee - Scarecrow
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Executioner
- Emi Lo - TAVOR (TAR-21)
- Katelyn Barr - Agent
- Kayli Mills - 416
- Kristen McGuire - Skorpion
- KyLeigh Zimmerer - Galil
- Marisa Duran - Micro Uzi
- Natalie Rose - PPSH42
- Shara Kirby - UMP45
Minor Cast[]
- AmaLee - FF FNC
- Amanda Gish - M3 (ep4)
- Anastasia Muñoz - Helian
- Brianna Roberts - MG3 (eps2-4)
- Bryan Massey - Kamolov (eps5, 8-10)
- Cat Protano - C96 (ep4)
- Chris Guerrero - Shi Jun
- Christina Costello - WA2000 (ep5)
- Corey Pettit - Dreamer
- Corinne Sudberg - RPD (ep5)
- Dawn M. Bennett - Hunter (eps4-6)
- Ellie Dritch - Super SASS (eps6, 8)
- Emily Ernst - Narrator
- Hope Endrenyi - Mosin-Nagant (ep2)
- Jād Saxton - P7 (eps2, 4)
- Jennifer Alyx - Grizzly (ep8)
- Kate Rose - GR G36
- Kelsey Maher - SKS (ep4)
- Krystal LaPorte - Kawasaki (eps8, 10)
- Lucía Lobosvilla - PPK (eps7-9)
- Macy Anne Johnson - Destroyer (eps8, 10)
- Marianne Bray - DP28 (ep5)
- Marissa Lenti - Persica (eps1, 3)
- Meli Grant - Vector (ep8)
- Monica Rial - Alchemist
- Morgan Berry - Ingram (eps2, 4-5, 7)
- Morgan Lauré - Intruder (eps6-7)
- Natalie Van Sistine - AUG (ep8)
- Rachel Glass - M1919A4 (ep4)
- Risa Mei - MP-446 (ep4)
- Sara Ragsdale - FF FN49 (eps2-3, 7, 9)
- Sarah Wiedenheft - MP5 (eps2, 4-6)
- Suzie Yeung - PPSH-43 (ep2)