Gamera -Rebirth- is a 2023 web anime series that serves as a new installment of the Gamera franchise. It was produced by ENGI and premiered in its entirety on Netflix on September 7, 2023, consisting of six episodes. The English dub of the series was produced by VSI Los Angeles.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Abby Trott - Junichi
- Robbie Daymond - Joe
- Ryan Bartley - Boco
- Sean Chiplock - Brody
Secondary Cast[]
- Elspeth Eastman - Major Enatsu
- Jason Griffith - Prudencio Fortea
- Kaiji Tang - James Tazaki
- Karen Strassman - Nora
- Keenan Shimizu - Chief Cabinet Secretary Higashifushimi
- Michael Pizzuto - Anselm Rybrant
- Patrick Seitz - General Osborn
- Ryan Colt Levy - Erkki
- Suzie Yeung - Emiko Melchiori
- Todd Haberkorn - Winston Griffith
- William Salyers - Bernie Dawson
- Xander Mobus - Luwig
- Zeno Robinson - Dario
Minor Cast[]
- Bill Rogers - Professor Suzuki
- Dorothy Fahn - Junichi's Mother
- Melissa Greenspan - Boco's Mother
- Todd Haberkorn - Dr. Matsui
- Tom Choi - Commander Sasaki