Gall Force: Earth Chapter is an original video animation series produced by AIC and Artmic. It was released in Japan between December 25, 1989 and December 1, 1990, consisting of 3 episodes. The series was released in North America by Central Park Media on November 11, 2003.
Cast (2003 Central Park Media Dub)[]
- Sandy - Angora Deb
- Score - Vibe Jones
- Melody - Veronica Taylor
- Sally - Tara Jayne
- Nelson - Mark Knight
- Dominov - Kurt Riddle
- Norton - Chunky Mon
- Bauer - James Wolfe
- Professor Newman - Christopher Graham
- Fortin - Veronica Taylor
- Gorn - Mark Knight
- Mitty - Veronica Taylor
- Catty - Rachael Lillis
- Lamidia - Lynna Dunham
- McKenzie - Dan Green
- Varji - Ami Shukla
Other Voices[]
- Roxanne Beck
- Jessica Calvello
- Joey Rappaporte
- Frankie Rome
- Bruce Winant