Fist of the North Star: The Legend of Toki is a 2008 anime film directed by Takahiro Imamura and animated by TMS Entertainment. It was released in Japan on March 26, 2008. Discotek Media announced that an English dub of the movie by Sound Cadence Studios would be included on the Blu-Ray release on a to be announced date.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- David Wald - Toki
- Jason Douglas - Raoh
- Robbie Daymond - Kenshiro
Secondary Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Yuria
- Bryn Apprill - Lin
- David Matranga - Soga
- Elizabeth Maxwell - Sara
- Lex Lang - Ryuken
- Mike Haimoto - Bat
Minor Cast[]
- Daman Mills - Raoh (Young)
- Lex Lang - Narrator
- Zeno Robinson - Toki (Young)