Fate/strange Fake -Whispers of Dawn- is a 2022 anime special based on the light novel series in Type-Moon's Fate/stay night franchise, written by Ryōgo Narita and illustrated by Morii Shizuki. It will premiere in Los Angeles, California at Anime Expo on July 1, 2023, before premiering on Japanese television on July 2. The English dub of the special was produced by Aniplex of America and Bang Zoom! Entertainment.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Anjali Kunapaneni - Ayaka Sajyo
- Ben Balmaceda - Saber
- Dani Chambers - Tine Chelc
- David Vincent - Archer
- Marin Miller - Lancer
Secondary Cast[]
- Christopher Wehkamp - Orlando Reeve
- Clifford Chapin - Jester Karture
- David W. Collins - Langal
- Deneen Melody - Francesca Prelati
- Frank Todaro - Caster/Alexandre Dumas
- Jeannie Tirado - Assassin
- Joe J. Thomas - Berserker/Jack the Ripper
- Khoi Dao - Flat Escardos
- Kimberley Anne Campbell - Tsubaki Kuruoka
- Lucien Dodge - Lord El-Melloi Ⅱ
- Micah Solusod - Faldeus Dioland
Minor Cast[]
- Brook Chalmers - Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg
- YongYea - Mage