Ensemble Stars! is a 2019 anime series based on the multimedia project made by the company Happy Elements. An anime television series adaptation by David Production premiered on July 7, 2019. Funimation Entertainment have acquired the series for streaming in North America, which premiered on the FunimationNow streaming service on August 4, 2019.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Adam Gibbs - Hokuto Hidaka
- David Matranga - Mao Isara
- Felecia Angelle - Anzu
- Garret Storms - Subaru Akehoshi
- Jerry Jewell - Makoto YĆ«ki
Secondary Cast[]
- Aaron Campbell - Morisawa Chiaki
- Aaron Dismuke - Eichi Tenshoin
- Aaron Roberts - Wataru Hibiki
- Anthony Bowling - Rei Sakuma
- Austin Tindle - Izumi Sena
- Blake McNamara - Tomoya Mashiro
- Brandon McInnis - Kanata Shinkai
- Brandon Potter - Akiomi Kunugi
- Brittney Karbowski - Hajime Shino
- Chris Burnett - Yuzuru Fushimi
- Christopher Llewyn Ramirez - Shinobu Sengoku
- Clifford Chapin - Mika Kagehira
- Dallas Reid - Hiyori Tomoe
- Daman Mills - Keito Hasumi
- David Wald - Nagisa Ran
- Derek Whitener - Mitsuru Tenma
- Derick Snow - Natsume Sakasaki
- Emily Fajardo - Sora Harukawa
- Jarrod Greene - Kuro Kiryu
- Jason Liebrecht - Midori Takamine
- Jordan Dash Cruz - Leo Tsukinaga
- Josh Grelle - Kaoru Hakaze
- Justin Briner - Tsumugi Aoba
- Justin Duncan - Hinata Aoi, Yuta Aoi
- Kyle Igneczi - Tetora Nagumo
- Kyle Phillips - Tsukasa Suou
- Matt Shipman - Arashi Narukami
- Mikaela Krantz - Tori Himemiya
- Mike McFarland - Jin Sagami
- Orion Pitts - Jun Sazanami
- Patrick McAlister - Souma Kanzaki
- Ricco Fajardo - Koga Oogami
- Shawn Gann - Shu Itsuki
- Stephen Fu - Ibara Saegusa
- Stephen Sanders - Nazuna Nito
- Taylor Harris - Adonis Otogari
- Tyson Rinehart - Madara Mikejima
- Zach Bolton - Ritsu Sakuma
Minor Cast[]
- Christopher Wehkamp - Seiya Hidaka (ep20)
- Dani Chambers - Natsume Sakasaki (Young)
- Emi Lo - Hokuto Hidaka (Young)
- Emily Fajardo - Shu Itsuki (Young)
- Macy Anne Johnson - Subaru Akehoshi (Young) (ep24)
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron White
- Alex Mai - Male Random Crowd 06B (ep6), Male Student 07B (ep7), Male Student 10A (ep10), Male Student 10E (ep10), Male Student 10I (ep10), Additional Voices
- Alex Main - Male Random Student 04A (ep4)
- Alison Viktorin
- Anthony DiMascio - Male Random Student 11A (ep11)
- Austin Sisk
- Beth Gilvie - Female Crowd 15B (ep15), Additional Voices
- Beth Lipton - Boy 06C (ep6), Female Teen 06B (ep6)
- Brad Kurtz
- Brian Witkowicz
- Brianna Roberts
- Bryn Apprill
- Caleb Yen
- Chad Halbrook - Male Announcer 11A (ep11)
- Chris Gardner - Male Announcer 16A (ep16)
- Chris Sykes - Male Student 10D (ep10), Male Student 10H (ep10), Male Student 16A (ep16), Additional Voices
- Christopher Dontrell Piper - Male Random Student 04C (ep4), Additional Voices
- Christopher Lew
- Christopher Wehkamp
- Clint Gilbert - Male Hero 13A (ep13), Male Random Student 04B (ep4), Male Student 06A (ep6), Male Student 07A (ep7), Male Student 10B (ep10), Male Student 10F (ep10), Additional Voices
- Cory Phillips
- Dallas Reid
- Dalton Tindall
- Dawn M. Bennett
- Duncan Brannan - Male Student 08B (ep8), Additional Voices
- Edna Gill - Female Crowd 15A (ep15), Female Crowd 15C (ep15), Female Crowd 17A (ep17), Male Child 13B (ep13), Additional Voices
- Elizabeth Maxwell
- Emi Lo - Female Child 13B (ep13), Male Child 13A (ep13), Additional Voices
- Emily Fajardo - Boy 06E (ep6), Female Teen 06C (ep6), Additional Voices
- Eric Rolon
- Erin Dyan
- Greg Lush - Male Villain 13A (ep13), Additional Voices
- Greg Silva
- Heather Walker
- Howard Wang - Male Random Student 04D (ep4)
- JÄd Saxton
- Jennifer Alyx
- Jessica Peterson
- Jill Harris
- Joe Cucinotti
- John Wesley Go - Male Student 06B (ep6), Male Random Student 11B (ep11)
- Josh Bangle - Male Student 08A (ep8), Additional Voices
- Justin Briner - Male Student 05B (ep5)
- Justin Pate - Male Student 16B (ep16)
- Kasi Hollowell
- Katlin Moon-Jones - Female Child 13C (ep13), Female Crowd 15D (ep15), Gray Shirt Boy 13A (ep13), Additional Voices
- Kimberly Grace - Female Child 13A (ep13), Male Child 13C (ep13), Additional Voices
- Kimmie Britt
- Kristi Rothrock - Boy 06B (ep6), Boy 06D (ep6), Female Random Crowd 06A (ep6), Additional Voices
- Kristin Sutton - Female Citizen 13A (ep13), Female Crowd 15E (ep15), Additional Voices
- Lee George - Male Student 05C (ep5)
- Lindsay Seidel - Female Random Student 11B (ep11), Female Random Student 11D (ep11)
- Liza Gonzalez - Female Random Student 11A (ep11)
- Lynsey Hale - Female Random Student 11C (ep11)
- Marianne Bray
- Matt Holmes
- Meg McClain
- Meli Grant
- Michael A. Zekas
- Mitchell Stephens - Male Citizen 13A (ep13), Male Random Student 04E (ep4), Male Random Crowd 06A (ep6), Male Student 06C (ep6), Additional Voices
- Molly Searcy
- Morgan Lauré
- Natalie Hoover - Yellow Shirt Boy 13A (ep13)
- Nazeeh Tarsha - Male Student 10C (ep10), Male Student 10G (ep10), Additional Voices
- Oscar Seung - Male Random Student 11C (ep11), Additional Voices
- Rachel Marie Starkey
- Skyler McIntosh
- Sonny Strait - Male Student 05C (ep5)
- Terri Doty - Boy 06A (ep6), Female Teen 06A (ep6)
- Travis Mullenix
- Victoria Vitti
- Whitney Holotik - Female Citizen 13B (ep13)
- Z. Charles Bolton
- Zachary Davis