Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: 2nd Attack is a 2023 anime series that serves as a sequel to Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro. It premiered in Japan on January 7, 2023. Bang Zoom! Entertainment is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on Crunchyroll's streaming service on January 28, 2023.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Erik Scott Kimerer - Naoto "Senpai" Hachioji
- Kimberley Anne Campbell - Hayase Nagatoro
Secondary Cast[]
- Brittany Cox - Maki Gamo, Orihara
- Justine Lee - President Sana Sunomiya
- Kimberly Woods - Sakura
- LilyPichu - Yoshi
- Vivian Lu - Misaki Nagatoro
- Xanthe Huynh - Hana Sunomiya
Minor Cast[]
- Alexander Gross - Sasai
- Amber Connor - Nekoba
- Ben Balmaceda - Takao
- Christina Costello - Ai Mashiro (ep1)
- Deneen Melody - Girlfriend (ep2)
- Dorah Fine - Senpai's Mother
- Emi Lo - Female Fighter
- Henry Mason - Council President (ep1)
- Kayli Mills - Rabi-Chan
- Kevin K. Gomez - Guy (ep2)
- Khoi Dao - Hino
Additional Voices[]
- Alexander Gross
- Daniel Acosta