Demon Beast Resurrection known in Japan as Demon Beast Invasion Gaiden is an adult original video animation and followup to Demon Beast Invasion. It was released in Japan between November 17, 1995 and September 13, 1996, consisting of 4 episodes.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Holly Bobbit - Captain O (eps3-4)
- Joan Gerardi - Kayo
- Vibe Jones - Captain O (eps1-2)
- Walter "Barney" Barnes - Muneto
Minor Cast[]
- Annabel Lee - Emi
- Betty Jo Ally - Miyuki
- Brooke O - Dee
- Lotus - BB
- Marcia Belle - Ash/Miki
- Roger P. LeDay - Demon Beast
- Tim Brash - Mailman, News Anchor
Additional Voices[]
- Annabel Lee
- Lotus
- Odette Dillon
- Veronica Lake