Anime Voice-Over Wiki

D.Gray-Man is a 2006 anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Katsura Hoshino. The series is directed by Osamu Nabeshima and produced by Dentsu, TMS Entertainment, Aniplex and TV Tokyo. TMS Entertainment produced the anime and Aniplex produced the music. It first began it's airing in October 3, 2006 in Japan on TV Tokyo and finished it's run in September 30, 2008.

The English adaption of the series is licensed by FUNimation Entertainment and it began airing in 2009.

English Voice Cast

Main Cast

Secondary Cast

Minor Cast

Additional Voices

Additional Voices (Uncredited)


  • Leah Clark was mistakenly credited for voicing Claire when in fact Jamie Marchi provided her voice, it's fixed in the credits on episode 40.
  • They mistakenly credited Charlie Campbell for voicing Mana when in fact Mark Stoddard voiced him in every episode were the character appears.