Coyote Ragtime Show (コヨーテ ラグタイムショー) is an anime series directed by Takuya Nonaka and produced by ufotable, which first aired in Japan on July 3, 2006. The storyline consists of the adventures of a group of space-faring fugitives in search of a treasure. ADV Films acquired the North American rights to the anime Coyote Ragtime Show for $224,000 and has released all twelve episodes in this series on 3 DVDs. In 2008, the anime became one of over 30 ADV titles transferred to Funimation. In Australia and New Zealand, the series is distributed by Madman Entertainment. The manga was picked up by Broccoli Books, which managed to release two of its three volumes before closing its doors; the third volume was still listed on the Broccoli website as TBA. The future of the manga's English translation remains unknown.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Andrew Love - Swamp Gordon
- Brittney Karbowski - Franca Dockley
- Christine Auten - Angelica Burns
- John Swasey - Mister
- Monica Rial - Chelsea Moore
Secondary Cast[]
- Allison Keith - May
- Allison Sumrall - June
- Christopher Patton - Katana
- Cynthia Martinez - February
- Jessica Boone - December, November, October
- John Gremillion - Pirate King Bruce
- Kira Vincent-Davis - Madame Marciano
- Lowell Bartholomee - Bishop
- Luci Christian - January
- Melissa Pritchett - September
- Mike Vance - Nilson
- Nancy Novotny - July
- Natalie Nassar - March
- Sasha Paysinger - August
- Sofia Mendez - April
Minor Cast[]
- Andy McAvin - Warden Dustin
- Blake Shepard - Alex
- Chris Ayres - Hewlett (ep 9)
- George Manley - Guild Leader 3 (ep 2), Malcolm, Newsreader
- Illich Guardiola - Hunter
- Jason Douglas - Guild Leader 1 (ep 2)
- Jay Hickman - Ted Roy
- John Gremillion - Allen, Guild Leader 4 (ep 2), Mill, Newscaster (ep 1)
- Josh Grelle - Director (ep 12)
- Jovan Jackson - Richard
- Mark X. Laskowski - Guild Leader 2 (ep 2), President
- Mike Vance - Bank President
- Nancy Novotny - Kris
- Nomed Kaerf - Bonieck, Super Soul
Additional Voices[]
- Donaldo
- Eden J. Barrera
- Jay Hickman
- Jovan Jackson
- Mariela Ortiz
- Matt Culpepper
- Scott McClennen
- Vic Mignogna