Colorful (カラフル) is a 2010 Japanese animated feature film directed by Keiichi Hara. It is based on the novel of the same name written by Eto Mori, produced by Sunrise and animated by the animation studio Ascension.
English Voice Cast
- Makoto Kobayashi - Greg Ayres
- Shoko Sano - Brittney Karbowski
- Hiroka Kuwahara - Emily Neves
- PuraPura - Luci Christian
- Saotome - Clint Bickham
- Makoto's Mother - Carli Mosier
- Makoto's Father - David Wald
- Mitsuru, Makoto's Brother - Chris Patton
- Principal - Christopher Ayres
- Mr. Sawada - David Matranga
- Kids at Snack Store - Kalin Coates, Emily Neves
- Mao - Genevieve Simmons
- Doctor - Mark X. Laskowski
- Nurse - Genevieve Simmons
- Worker at Gomensoro - Brent Marshall
- Class Mates - Christopher Ayres, Clint Bickham, Mark X. Laskowski, Brent Marshall, Carli Mosier, Emily Neves, Chris Patton, Genevieve Simmons, David Wald