Chillin' in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers is a 2024 anime based on the light novel series written by Miya Kinojo and illustrated by Katagiri. It is produced by J.C. Staff and premiered in Japan on April 8, 2024. Crunchyroll is producing an English dub of the series, which will premiere on their streaming service on April 22, 2024.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Bryn Apprill - Fenrys (Stand-In; ep7)
- Mauricio Ortiz-Segura - Flio
- Megan Shipman - Fenrys
Secondary Cast[]
- Alexis Tipton - Tsuya
- Ezra Vervin - Damalynas
- Jessica Peterson - Balirossa
- Lisette Monique Diaz - Uliminas the Hellcat
- Maganda Marie - Hiya
- Marisa Duran - Byleri
- Monica Rial - Belano
- Monty Thompson - Golden-Haired Hero
- Naya Moreno - First Princess
- Ray Hurd - Gholl
- Reshel Mae - Sybe
- Vanessa Benoit - Blossom
Minor Cast[]
- Alex Hom - Cyclops (ep9)
- Barry Yandell - King Klyrode
- Bev Mageto - Greanyl
- Derick Snow - Hugi-Mugi
- Erin Nicole Lundquist - Mileno
- Jack Reeder - Sleip
- Lexa Childress - Yorminyt
- Mike Smith - Lord Yuigard