Children of the Sea is a 2019 Japanese animated film directed by Ayumu Watanabe and produced by Eiko Tanaka, with animation production by Studio 4 °C. It is based on the manga of the same title by Daisuke Igarashi, who also wrote the film's screenplay. It was released in Japan on June 7, 2019.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Anjali Gauld - Ruka Azumi
- Benjamin Niewood - Sora
- Lynden Prosser - Umi
Secondary Cast[]
- Beau Bridgland - Anglade
- Denise Lee - Dehdeh
- Karen Strassman - Kanako Azumi
- Marc Thompson - Masaaki Azumi
- Michael Sorich - Jim Cusack
Minor Cast[]
- Carrie Keranen - Student
- Christine Marie Cabanos - Fuyuko, Student
- Courtney Shaw - Natsumi, Student
- Doug Erholtz - Military Officer
- Josh Petersdorf - Jean
- Karen Strassman - Student
- Kirk Thornton - Investor
- Rachel Slotky - Student
- Wally Wingert - Doctor, Gym Teacher
- Zoe Martin - Aki, Student