Case Closed: Zero's Tea Time is a 2022 anime series based on the manga series written and illustrated by Takahiro Arai. It is a spin-off of the Case Closed series and aired in Japan from April 5 to May 10, 2022, consisting of six episodes. Bang Zoom! Entertainment has produced an English dub of the series, which will premiere worldwide on Netflix on July 29, 2022.
English Voice Cast[]
Main Cast[]
- Kyle McCarley - Toru Amuro/Rei Furuya
Secondary Cast[]
- Janice Kawaye - Azusa Enomoto
- Julie Ann Taylor - Midori Kuriyama
- Kimlinh Tran - Young Toru/Rei
- Laura Post - Vermouth
- Ray Chase - Yuya Kazami
- Vivian Lu - Elena Miyano
Minor Cast[]
- Alan Lee - Eiichi Yamagishi (ep4)
- Barbara Goodson - Reiko Tsuruyama (ep1)
- Ben Balmaceda - Culprit (ep4)
- Chris Tergliafera - Andre Camel (ep5)
- Emi Lo - Yoko Okino (ep4)
- Marissa Lenti - Hiroki (ep4), Hiroki's Mother (ep4)